November 11, 2010


2010 Autumn
  In Korea, there are so many special days. One of them is 11/11 day and we call it 'Chocolate stick day'. As you see, series of number 11.11 seems like chocolate sticks. :D These pictures showed it which hand-made by my girlfriend.

 It was really nice and sweet, also it meant a lot to me. Each stick was wrapped carefully and finely.

November 2, 2010



2010 Autumn.
 When I was there, I didn't have a idea about where I can go. So, as everyone did, I went to visitor center and got a visitor map. It was quite informative but some of information was just wasting time. So, ^^ I use smartphones! i-phone and nexus ! ^^ and then I decided to go where I could go.

Somewhere I visited was on a restoration construction. Even if there were on that difficult condition, I saw a lot of people and the lovable views and the ancient treasures. Beside that, I could took pictures of the beautiful memories. ^^


2010 Autumn
I went to Jeon Ju(A city in South Korea). JeonJu is so popular for dining. Especially, Bibimbap and a traditional local food is well-known across South Korea. There are a large museums, royal place and a castle. But I know what they have, so we just went directly a hidden restaurant, which was not a big restaurant but there were a long waiting queue.
It was a kind of soup, which main ingredient was bean sprouts. Um.. This post remain me of taste. ^^ I think I should go there again after going to Korea.