November 2, 2011

[Toronto/어학연수] 스페니쉬 센터 등록

[ Korean Student's A day in Toronto]   Spanish Center.
[ If you get my English fault, please tell me what I have to change. ]

캐나다에서 있을 날이 얼마 남지 않은 한 남학생의 이야기 입니다. 4달 정도 남아있는 것 같습니다. 마음이 조급해서 공부도 뭐도 잘 잡히지 않을 시기에 도래했습니다. 왜냐하면, 생각만큼 성과가 크지 않기 때문이죠. 여튼, 오늘도 무언가 해보려는 취지로 살아가는 살만찌는 남학생의 이야기를 오랜만에 시작해봅니다.

I have four months until I leave Toronto. Recently, I am so much impatient because I do not have enough results ( English Skill ). So, I can not control my mind and feel bad. But today also I tried something because I want to have some stories for my life and for my Toronto day.

오늘은 Spanish 에 관한 글을 적어 볼까 합니다. 영어도 못하면서 왠 스페인어냐 라고 하실 수도 있습니다. 맞는 소리입니다. 저는 지금 영어도 제대로 못한 상태에서 새로운 언어를 시작해 봅니다. 그것도 어학연수를 와서 음식과 여행비를 없에고 말이죠. 어쩌면 돌아다니면서 경험을 하는 게 더 좋을 수도 있을 돈을 투자해서 시작한 스페인어 학원에 관한 이야기를 적어볼까 합니다.

I would like to talk about A Spanish Center. Of course, I am not good at speaking English So some people can say to me " It is crazy or out of your mind." But I did enter and became a member of Academy [ SPANISH CENTER ] where is near Bloor Station. For that, I had to save my money frugally.

한국에서 제 2 외국어로 중국어나 일본어처럼 근접한 나라의 언어를 배웁니다. 북 아메리카에서는 멕시코의 영향인지 스페인어가 제 2 언어로 혹은 프랑스어가 유명하다고 하더군요. 또한, 다 민종이 살아가는 만큼 다양한 언어를 배울 기회가 도처에 자리잡고 있습니다. 그래서 생각하게 된 것이 영어만 배우니까 (잘 늘지가 않아서) 답답해서 새로운걸 배워 보자는 것이었습니다

In Korea, People usually study Chinese or Japanese as a second language. And I heard that North American usually take Spanish or Franch as a second language. I think that especially Canada has a enormous variety in the world. 
So if you want to study something in Foreign Country, Canada has a plenty of something which you want to learn.  Anyway, someday I think that I have to do something special for me, I have to do something new. 

여튼 그래서 간 곳이 스페인어 학원이었습니다. 제가 나중에 가지고 싶은 직장은 건설 플랜트 쪽인데 중동 쪽으로의 진출은 애초에 활발하게 진행 중이고 최근 들어 중남미로의 진출이 늘어나고 있다고 들었습니다. 그래서 스페인어를 고르게 되었습니다.

I just go to the Spanish Center. Actually I have an excuse for studying Spanish. My dream is being Engineer of Construction Power Plant and these days a lot of Company make inroads in the Construction Market in Latin America. 

스페인어 학원은 사람들과 영어를 쓰면서 이야기를 하다가 수업도 영어로 받게 됩니다. 물론 다들 스페인어를 배우는 입장이라 정말 모두 같은 조건에서 시작하다 보니, 재밌게 할 수 있습니다. 아무래도 스페인어 학원에 영어를 배우러 오는 사람은 거의 없다고 해도 마찬가지일 것입니다. 특히, 한국에 대해 잘 모르는 사람이 있다는 것은 또 다른 영어에의 동기를 부여해 주기도 합니다. ^^

In Spanish Center, I have a lecture which have a teaching conversation in English explains. There are all students who do not know much about Spanish and It was really excited for me. 

신기한 것은 어째서 인지 ^^ 한국에서 새로운 언어를 배우는 것 보다 더 잘 된다는 점입니다. 영어로 설명해주는 것 때문인지 과도하게 신경을 쓰며 집중할 수 있어서 그런 것인지 환경이 그렇게 주어져서 그런 것인지, 잘 모르지만 추천할 만한 것입니다.

It is amazing because I can study new language much better in Toronto than in my hometown, Korea. I do not know why but I can guess it is because I had to concentrate Spanish lecture with English explains. I mean it was so complicated to use both new languages simultaneously. I highly recommend Korean student do it. 

July 16, 2011


2011 Summer


2011 SUMMER. 
 One of the most busiest tour place is Empire state building, So we went there. Actually, I am highly interested in tour site because I wonder why they are so popular. It was quite good place. Huge and high and.. I saw It represented American's Technological development. I am not sure about that but It seems like that to me.
If you pose like this, you can know Why I did like this. It really helps me make everything fun and be with smile.

It was so nice place and we saw so beautiful night city. I think Night and Light are the best ingredients to make people feel how huge earth is and what human did on the earth.
Sleepless in Seattle
Additionally, after watching a movie 'the Sleepless in Seattle', I thought that only if I watch it before going there. ^.^


2011 Summer
I like candy, we like candy. So, we couldn't pass M&M and some other chocolate store. It was the best place ever because I was so exhausted by a hot weather. It was such a nice shelter.

There was a machine which show me my own partner-chocolate's colour. It was a brilliant marketing method. 


As many people know,in New York there are some popular museum. We went there and saw them. I was quite interesting but It were not our interest. But it was worthy.
In there, I saw a Korean exhibition. It was quite interesting but so small.  
The one thing I felt unsatisfied was  that my schedule plan was too dense. It was my fault. So later, If I plan to go some museum, I will spend more time than I did.


The hottest summer 2011
 I went to New York. There was a thing which made me exhausted. It was a weather, especially so so hot and humid weather. I had to escape the heat ,so from noon to sunset, I took a nap in a hotel. It helped me to look around N.Y. until midnight.  Up photo was taken at the Wall street with bull statue. As many people know, I did something like gossip said.  Touch.. and.. pray for being rich? hahaha Anyway, even if I explored the city with the hottest, humid weather and a stuffy subway, now I can say the New York city was more beautiful than I envisioned. IN NEWYORK


2011 Summer
So tasty and juicy burgers is enough to be loved. And fries !? it was awesome. 

And.. It were reasonable price and before going there, I should have been empty in my stomach. ^^


2011 Summer
Eileen's cheese cake is a place where a lot of blogger recommend. So, we went there. 
 When I were on a way to find there, we lost a way. So, I asked someone where it was. I think she was a one of the NY univ. students. She did teach ME as clearly as like she was a officer of that. ^^
 Cakes were so so so so tasty, soft and ... interesting. I really wonder how to make them. ^^ Oh, I hear that Its location is not on a same location as google map show us.


2011 Summer
I like a movie 'Spider-man'. So, when I think being Time Square, I usually imagined huge places and enormous something. And a lot of blogger said it was pretty fantastic. So, I expected too much and it didn't help me have a lot of impression of N.Y. Anyway, there were so much fun.  

That place was.. quite vital. And I felt all of them was tourist because everyone had a camera. haha. ^^. And I saw the Naked girl and the Naked guy. But I don't know why I have a only Naked girl's picture. 

If someone are planning to go there, I will recommend to go there for dinner. After and before a dinner, night and day views of Time Square will make you happy. ^^


2011 Summner
Before I went there, I thought it was a monument. But after seeing that and a lot of people who wanted to see, It showed me that the Statue of Liberty is more than a statue. She was a beloved friend and a symbol of liberty to thousands of thousands  of people.

In front of Liberty Island, there was a huge park. At that time, the weather was so hot, so I had to take a rest under trees.  

I did not reserve tickets so I just bought them at the office. But I couldn't go up to the crown floor because it was fault. So, If I have another chance to go there, I will definitely reserve the crown tickets. And again, It was so hot and humid weather. That was why I furrowed my brow in a picture. 

July 15, 2011



 2011 Summer
  It was one of the famous restaurants which a lot of bloggers recommended, Pepe Rosso. Their are so many kinds of spaghetti but.. I got a wrong decision because there are so many words I don't know. Green one is mine. Even though it was a wrong decision, their taste was.. topnotch and speechless. Some part of taste came from food and others came from the restaurant's atmosphere. ^^