January 31, 2012

한겨레21 (12.02.06) 사법부 - 부러진 화살

한겨레21 제 896호 12.02.06

이번주의 첫페이지는 요새 뉴스나 영화소개프로그램에 자주 등장하는 [부러진화살]이라는 영화에 초첨이 맞춰져 있었다. 죽나경향의 메인 타이핑도 '부러지지않는 화살'이라는 문구로 영화에 대한 언급을 하지 않을까 싶었다.

부러진 화살이라는 영화는 실화를 각색된 영화로 사법부에 대한 통렬한 비판은 담은 영화로 보여진다. 얼마전 화제를 불러일으킨 영화'도가니'와 연장선상에 있다고 볼 수 있겠다.

사법부가 요즘 주는 불신은 한마디로 '만연'하다. 법데로 하자는 말은 더이상 신뢰를 주지 못한다. 법은 돈에 따라 바뀐다는 이미지는 어쩌면 피해의식이나 열등의식일지도 모르겠으나, 왜인지 모르게 사법부가 가지고 있는 이미지이다.

한겨레21에서도 그 사법부에 대한 비판을 말하고 있다.

나이가 어릴 때, 검사는 멋있었다. 나쁜 사람들을 때려잡고 경찰을 지휘하고 범죄를 처단하려하는 정의의 사도 같았다. 하지만, 지금 만약 주변 사람중에 검사가 된 사람이 있다면 가장 먼저 무엇이 부러울까?
그들이 가질 권위와 부다. 그들으 출세가 부럽다. 그들이 앞으로 누리게 될 많은 것들이 부럽게 느껴질 것이다. 그들이 그만한 노력을 하지 않는 다는 것이 아니고, 나쁜 법조계인이 많다는 소리도 아니다. 그들은 분명 소수라고 믿고 있지만, 이미지는 어쩔 수 없다. 오늘날 누구나 한번쯤 영화나 소설에서 보았을 법한 정의 사도는 되고 싶은 돈많은 출세자이다.

나는 아직 남을 판단할 만한 두렸한 나만은 잣대나 가치관의 기준이 부족하다. 상황에 따라 변하는 판단을 가진 나는 융통성을 가졌다기 보다 우유부단한 관객이다.

그래서 감히 판단을 할 수가 없다. 감정적인 판단일 수 밖에 없기 때문이다.

법.. 법은 잘 모르는 분야이다. 법에 종사하시는 전문직분들에게 문의하지 않는 이상 내가 법을 눈앞에서 직접 접할 일이 얼마나 있을 지 모르겠다.

하지만 그들은 반성의 자세를 보이지 않는다. 정치인들이 보여준 반성하지 않는 자세를 고스란히 보여주는 모습은 정치인들로 하여금 불러일으켜진 반항심을 충분히 공유할만 하다.
사실 내가 가지고 있는 그들의 불신은 이상하게도 그들에게서 나온 것이 아니라, 최근 정치판에서 벌어지고 있는 불신이 옮겨 붙은 것 같다라는 생각도 해본다.

하지만 그들도 변화가 필요하다고 생각한다. 적어도 다른 사람들이 부의 축적이 아니라 다른 이유로 법대에 들어 갈 수 있게 모범이 되었으면 한다. 그들은 지금 정친인들이 보여주고 있는 모습을 따라하지 않았으면 한다. 내가 가지고 있는 사법부에 대한 불신은 어쩌면 그들에게 가지고 있던 동경에의 배반에 대한 '화'가 아닐까?

January 22, 2012


2012 Winter
  2012.1.22 I started to visit on Washington D.C., Boston, Philadelphia, Montreal and Quebec. The  geographical difference between Korea and Canada is the presence and absence of mountains. In Korea, there are a plenty of mountains. For example, Wherever I am in Korea, I can see and must be near any mountain. So, It is not easy to see the horizon. In Canada, especially Toronto, I really like the fresh morning sun rising. Of course, I am a lazy person so I could see it when I was in a sleepless night.
  Right after coming back to Toronto, I will go to Korea, my home. My Canada life is going to the end.

January 20, 2012


2011 Winter
  There are six kinds of coins in Canada. On a first line, there are 1cent, 10cents, 2dollars. And, on a second line, there are 5cents, 25cents and one dollar. And as you see, Its cost are not relative with its scale, so it was so confused to figure out instantly. 

  Interestingly, each coins have their own names. 1cent is "PENNY", 5cents is "NICKEL", 10cents is "DIME", 25cents is "QUARTER", one dollar is "LOONIE" and 2 dollars is "TOONIE".

  And I heard that there is 50cents coin. But I had never seen this for a year. So.. just pass it.

And there are 10, 20, 50, 100 dollars paper money. They don't have name. A thing which have to be careful is that some store don't allow you to use 50 or 100 dollars. So, I have to retain some 10 or 20 dollars in my pocket.^^


  SEC and UCCBT was my school where I learned English for a year (2011, FEBRUARY ~ 2012,JANUARY). It was a quite special experience. Teachers were all good and kind and intelligent in not only English but also society, grobal news, health and etc.
  In Summer and Winter vacation session, there are so many other countries' friends like Mexican, Brazilian and Russian. But usually, there are a lot of Korean, including me. In some sessions, there was 100% Korean in a class. I know that was a maximum rate. So, I can say usually there are about 70% Korean in a class.

January 19, 2012


2012. January. 18
  The Wikipedia blacked out their page to protest on SOPA(Stop Online Piracy Act) which will definitely damage the free and open Internet.

BBC NEWS : Site go dark as a part of anti-piracy law protests
New York Times : Web protest piracy bills
Korea Blog.net : Web turn up the light of the freedom of e-speech

January 15, 2012



 I have never heard it before. I just asked her what she want to get when I go back to Korea and 'NAKED' was her answer. 
 As many people know, choosing girl's gift is one of the world scale's riddles along the Pyramid, the Bermuda Triangle, the Atlantis land and etc. 


2011 Winter, Christmas
 At this time we were in a long distance relationship. I really appreciate you endured the difficulties of that. Maybe you can remember this gift you sent from Korea to Canada. It was so so sweet that I ate them all in few minutes. I couldn't stand them in a condition of being in front of them. 

Those are totally organic cookies. No chemical ingredients. ^^ It was on journey from Korea to Canada but tastes was so nice. It was... topnotch!


If I have to choose what is the symbol of Canada, I will choose Maple Leaf. In hockey, flag, brads and etc, there are tons of Maple Leaf symbols. But I usually saw Moose Guardian in CN Tower and Air port. They were always wearing one of the Canadian troop's uniforms. I like them. I think Moose guardian is better than  beavers. Even thought beavers were cutter than moose but moose is more dignified than others. :D 

According to this, When I think of New York, the Bulls pop up in my head. I know the statue of liberty should be popped up but Bull is the first.  

The bear is just popped up because there is Korean myth which a bear was a main character. :D


 I don't have a lot of idea about wine. But In Toronto, I usually heard that there are so many vine. And one of my teacher was from near Niagara town so she recommended Canadian ICE wine. So I bought a bottle of wine form LCBO. It was not a expensive one but so sweet. And I got tipsy because I had avoided to drink for a while. :D
 If I have some time, I want to learn about wine. I want to brag or bluff in front of my girlfriend, I like that. ^^


2011 Summer
 CN Tower is one spot of some places where I had to go. It was a kind of symbol of Toronto.  Viewing platform was rotated so we could see around Toronto. Also I went there close at a sunset time so I enjoyed both views; day's Toronto and night's Toronto. 
Before being there, I had to reserve restaurant which was called 360 restaurant, Then I did not need to spend money on climbing the tower. 
I ordered pre-fix dinner. And I tasted snail something, it was really delicious but weird. One time experience was enough for me. And this course had so many food; appetizer, bread, stake, spaghetti and desserts.

When I finished my dinning, Toronto already got a beautiful nights and lights. In CN Tower, there were also souvenir shop and history gallery and... moose guardian. :D


2011 Summer
 I thought it happened about June or July. TIFF was a shorten form for 'Toronto International Film Festival'. I am sure that Everyone who study in abroad wanted to volunteer in tiff because there were good-looking tasks and awards was free tickets. I got 12 free tickets in response to 12 volunteer-days. This volunteer experience was rewarding and had a lot of chances to meet new people. Also I really love movies so there is not any choice to me.
 The one thing I really felt unsatisfied was that I did not took a picture during I volunteered. It was really huge mistake. :D
 I usually used website www.volunteertoronto.ca for applying volunteer jobs. These site is highly recommended.


2011 June-Nov
 When I came Toronto, I really needed to work out. So, I decided to register YMCA. This place was really neat, compy and good! There were swimming pool, weights, sauna, running tracks and gym. The first time I went there, I just wanted to work out. But after accepting Toronto life, I deserved something more to do for me. So I applied YMCA volunteer. My position was a front information desk official. It was quite challenge for me because I was not a good English speaker. But everyone in YMCA didn't care about that and they helped me to speak English. I won't forget those people and my amigos.

 The real English was faster than I usually heard in a school. Their pronounce and enunciation were not as clear as English tapes did and people could not understand what I tried to say. It dragged me down but also motivated me to study English.
 Sometimes, People yelled at me like 'Don't you speak English?!!!' But there was nothing which made me sad, because near me there were always staffs and usually Native English people had common manners. They never yell at someone who they don't know. Usually, People who spoke English as an second language yelled at me. :D

January 13, 2012


  2011 Winter
 I went Gardiner Museum of Ceramic Art. It was in front of the Royal Ontario Museum. Actually, I didn't have those kind of hobby but  My girlfriend taught me(?!). ^^ So I can enjoy ART. Recently, there are a gallery of someone's collection which show me a ceramic creature form yore to now. It was quite impressing. Honestly, I don't understand exactly what the recent creature represent to us but I like old creature. When I saw them, I could imagine those who made it. And I really wondered why they did it.
  Ya! I really don't know what they think . Assume I were one of them. I might be really busy to catch a food. But they made it. Of course, a lot of thing are relative with myth and prey. ^^ I think I have to study about that. Anyway, those made spending time worthy.


2012 Winter

I went Niagara Falls by using Go bus and train.It took 2hours and half form Toronto Union station. The officers were so kind, They taught me what I had to do in slow English, because I was not good at the fast English. ^^

I spent $32.30 on taking a bus and train for round-trip, and from Niagara bus stop to Niagara falls I spent $5.

I was just speechless. There was nothing I could do, but just I took a picture. Especially, I went there at around 3~4pm. So, I could see the view of daytime and the view of sunset. I was so impressive. I liked it. The only think I felt the lack was that there were few activities because of a cold weather; No ship, No helicopter. Any way, I was one of the beautiful memories.


2011 summer
I did volunteer in the Pride Festival. My position was for calling donation. It was quite tough because sunshine was always together with me. I mean I volunteered for 10 hours a day with sun. ^^ However It was worthy. The Pride Fest in Toronto was the most enjoyable and powerful party. In my country, there is no such a thing I have ever been before. I can not explain through some word. Just photo can be enough to know it.