January 13, 2012


  2011 Winter
 I went Gardiner Museum of Ceramic Art. It was in front of the Royal Ontario Museum. Actually, I didn't have those kind of hobby but  My girlfriend taught me(?!). ^^ So I can enjoy ART. Recently, there are a gallery of someone's collection which show me a ceramic creature form yore to now. It was quite impressing. Honestly, I don't understand exactly what the recent creature represent to us but I like old creature. When I saw them, I could imagine those who made it. And I really wondered why they did it.
  Ya! I really don't know what they think . Assume I were one of them. I might be really busy to catch a food. But they made it. Of course, a lot of thing are relative with myth and prey. ^^ I think I have to study about that. Anyway, those made spending time worthy.

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